Important Dates
- Abstract Submission
- June 24, 2010, 11:59 PM EST [Extended]
- Full Paper Submission
- July 3, 2010, 11:59 PM EST [New Extended]
- Notification of Acceptance
- Sept. 2, 2010
- Camera-Ready Copy
- Sept. 9, 2010
- Conference Date
- Nov. 2-5, 2010
Corporate Sponsors
18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on
Advances in Geographic Information Systems
Call for Workshop Proposals
November 2, 2010 San Jose, CA, USA
The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS) traditionally holds one day co-located workshops on the day immediately preceding the first day of the conference. ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010 aims to continue this practice and invites proposals for workshops to be submitted in pdf format to the Workshop Chair, Markus Schneider (, by May 15, 2010.
The duration of a workshop is one day. Workshops will take place on November 2, 2010, at the location of the conference.
The proceedings of the workshops are expected to be published jointly with the conference proceedings and will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
Workshops will benefit from the registration process of ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010. All workshops will have a common continental breakfast and common morning and afternoon coffee breaks. The workshops focus on particular aspects of our field and are intended to enhance the conference experience for those attending the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference. Thus, all workshop attendees must also register for the main ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference. The ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference sets the registration fees for the workshops which are the same for each workshop and are set at a minimum level to recover costs of room rental, refreshments, and AV. No complimentary registration is provided to workshop organizers. If workshop organizers wish to have invited speakers, any additional financial support must come from funds that are raised by the workshop organizers.
One author per accepted workshop contribution (paper, poster, demo) is required to register for the workshop and the conference as well as attend the workshop to present the accepted submission. Otherwise, the accepted submission will appear neither in the published workshop proceedings nor in the ACM Digital Library version of the workshop proceedings.
Each workshop proposal must contain all pertinent information, including the following:
- workshop title
- short description of the topic and the format of the workshop
- explanation of why the proposed workshop is a good match with ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010
- names and contact information of the workshop organizer(s)
- names of the members of the program committee (at least 50% must be already known and confirmed at the time of the proposal)
- proposal for important dates (paper submission deadline, notification deadline, etc.)
- expected number of participants
- in case of previous instances of the workshop, the historical numbers of participants
- in case of previous instances of the workshop, the historical submission and acceptance counts
The decision about acceptance/rejection of workshop proposals will be made by the Workshop Chair in consultation with the SIGSPATIAL Executive Committee and the General Chairs, taking into account venue capacity as well as viability.
Evaluation criteria include overall quality and the fit with respect to the expected ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010 program. Note that proposals are especially encouraged on emerging topics that are relevant to spatial information systems and algorithms (including location-based services and geographic information systems). Notification will be given by June 15, 2010.
The organizers of successful workshops will be responsible for their own review process. Publicity will be handled jointly with the workshop organizers being responsible for the creation of a workshop website. The local arrangements chairs may require that all workshops adhere to a specific general timetable to facilitate catering. Workshop organizers must inform the Workshop Chair of the numbers of submissions and acceptances as soon as these numbers become available. Workshops with fewer than 20 expected registrants may be canceled at the discretion of the conference organizers.
Submission Guidelines
Proposal Submission Deadline:
May 15, 2010
Send proposal to Workshop Chair: |
Markus Schneider
Notification of Acceptance:
June 15, 2010